Saturday, August 11, 2012


And they shall see His Face and His Name shall be on their foreheads...The Lord G-D shall illumine them.”

The word 'face' has many applications. This usage of the word face comes from the root optomai {optan-om-a hee}, a directive of 'horoa '[hor-ah-o], which means to come face to face with; to discern clearly; by Hebrew definition, it is to experience, to perceive and take heed. 

In the message,  Hope of Glory, we talked about how most Hebrew idioms could not accurately be interpreted into another language and maintain the intent or original meaning or application. 

The Hebrew idiom of 'see his face' means to have access to. When the Creator says “seek My Face” it means to 'seek Me'--the I AM. 

To come face to Face is when Scripture speaks of the Name on one’s forehead. 

From the message Seal of YHVH, we know that the Name is synonymous with the 'Seal' or 'Mark'. To receive the Name, the Mark and the Divine Seal of G-D is a Hebrew idiom. 

After the Sixth Seal or the Sixth Angel of Revelation, another angel ascended with the Seal of the Living G-D crying do not harm the earth or sea or trees until we have seal the bond-servants on their foreheads. The Prophetic revelation of this Mystery is  the realization that this Mark, this Seal and the Name on the foreheads is having the Mind of a Christ or an anointed one walking in the Christ Principles or god consciousness.

If you are a leader teaching to the contrary  or an unbeliever, do not keep others from ascending and coming into their earthly spiritual inheritance because of your disbelief.   

I find that many are waiting for some great physical even catastrophic event to take place when Scriptures continually and plainly allude to the esoteric and spiritual realms of the heavens and earth.  It is the spiritual and prophetic that is the higher way.  

Everyone is seeking the anointing and gifts of outwardly signs of miracles.  When all of the time, the anointing is within the heart and mind of man waiting to be recognized and tapped into--the Christ Principles! These Christ Principles are the vehicle or portal used to come into the knowledge of truth that one will know that it is their Innate of which is the vehicle to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical to ones higher self or their spirit man.  The higher self resides behind the veil in higher dimensions of the spirit realm than our physical body.

To be more explicit, having the Divine Name on ones forehead is to be in Divine Union as One with the Divine Creator! The Universal Divine Mind of the Creator is the Name! The Hebrew idiom for 'My Name' is 'Me'--I AM!  “I AM with you, I AM in you, I AM you”~arj!  

One either have the Mind of Christ or the mind of antichrist. One is either on the earthly journey becoming renewed and restored as elohim into Divine Union  or they are “missing the mark”! They have cut themselves short! They have rejected the regenerative power of Spirit to work the renewal and transformation or transliteration process within their lives. They may be 'saved' but have rejected true redemption. 

Redemption is a process of growth and transformations within ones united spirit/soul moving them from faith to faith and glory to glory. To miss the mark is to not to come into the knowledge of who you are as I AM and who I AM is!
Moses walked with G-D as a Christman or an anointed soul. Moses had to be prepared to come face to Face with G-D. Moses entire life was in preparation to lead the people into the Promised Land.  

From birth and even as he was being trained in the Principles of Ma'at or the Egyptians; to the wilderness and back to Egypt was Moses preparation time.  

As Moses life depicts the walk of a Christman, so must our lives be.  We have been born into this world.  We go out into the world having those wilderness experiences that will crucify our flesh and bring us to maturity as Sons.  This is so that we may be raised into Christ Consciousness as a new man, to be received  into that heavenly spiritual realm to our higher self.

Moses fleeing into the wilderness represents the disciplines we must go through when seeking Truth. When Moses came out of the desert, he went to Mt. Horeb. Horeb means solitude. Solitude is necessary for the called and chosen as we must be abased in order to be exalted to our Christ Mind or Christ Consciousness. It is in our Christ Consciousness where I AM dwells. There, we stay until our heart, mind and soul are imprinted with the light of wisdom that burns in our hearts becoming  'Flames of Fire'. Having taken off our own understanding, shedding ego, we stand on holy ground becoming illumined through the Christ Principles into  I AM.

It was not until Moses came to Mt. Horeb, that place of solitude that he 'turned aside to 'see'! Even then he was afraid to look! To look upon the Divine Creator is just like looking in a magnifying mirror at yourself, you see all of your flaws. You cannot help but to see you as you really are in the presence of the Holy Divine Light as Truth and Reality brings all things to light. 

Moses thoughts, his consciousness neither had his character yet evolved into his higher self of god consciousness. He still had doubts and contention. Therefore, the Creator said, “You cannot see My Face for no 'man', meaning no "flesh" can see My Face and live.  Moses was positioned in the cleft of a rock and covered with the Hand of the Creator. “When My Glory is passing by, I will take My Hand away and you shall see My Back but My Face shall not be seen”!

On their first meeting upon the Mount, Moses was told if you look upon me, you will die. Therefore, let me pass through the cliffs of the rocks and when I pass you can see my hinder parts and will not die. It was not until years later that Moses had walked in the Christ Principles  connecting to his higher self or spirit-man, in obedience to the Commandments that he could face the Pharaoh to lead the people out of Egypt. 

Only then was Moses summoned upon the Mount coming face to Face with G-D.

The Mountain prophetically represents exaltation and that of being on a higher level of spiritual consciousness and reality--Teleios or having reached spiritually maturity or perfection.

Moses life was an exact replication of the life of the Prophets who has been ordained from the foundation of the Worlds. Many today attempt to bypass Divine Order, Protocol and reject Divine Laws that engender character, obedience and humbleness in order to become that guiding Light for the people, to see clearly in order to come into their Promise Land. 

Many have strayed from keeping the Commandments to the traditions of men and the fallacies of a whorish Babylonian Religious System that teaches the people rebellion, disobedience. They refuse the Mark of the Name of the Creator on their foreheads for the mark, name, image, and number of the Beast on their foreheads and their right hands. 

Many leaders today are walking out of Order.  It is because of their disobedience that they have been given over to believe lies and think that they are teaching the people Truth. However, they dwell in the field among the animals like Nebuchadnezzar. 

These beastly minded ones teach bad for good and unholy for holy.  They keep the people in a state of confusion of Babylonian hypocrisies. They have become slaves to a System of bondage that keeps them babbling in a non-coherent language of a doctrine of devils, satan and demonsThey have become confounded with the rudimentary basics of the Christ, arguing over elementary principles of the death, burial, resurrections and a so-called rapture that has clouded the True Testimony of Christ and Mysteries of the resurrection, restoration, and the transformation processes. These have been blinded and deafened to Truths and their consciousness has been seared.  

One cannot lead where they have not been or teach that they do not know.
As Moses matured in the Christ Principles, coming to think with His Christmind, he was allowed to come Face to Face with G-D.  Moses did not die but took on  Glory and was illumined inside and outside!  It was his higher self or his spirit-man that touched Spirit. He shone with the brilliance and effulgence to the extent that the people were afraid to look upon Moses. Therefore, he had to cover his face with a veil. 

Scripture says, "even to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart but whenever a man turns to the Lord; (to Truth) the veil is taken away. But their minds or consciousness were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the Old Covenant the same veil remains unlifted because it is removed 'In Christ' (or as one walks in the Christ Principles to god consciousness. 

In other words, many have become blind guides and their vision clouded for lack of understanding and rejection of truth or the prophetic photo-types contained in the Principles and Law of Liberty.

Moses means 'drawn out' and symbolizes a progressive drawing out or a prolonged transformation process. Do not be fooled. There are no overnight apostles or prophets. Neither can one become enlightened over night.  Moses was in preparation alone for over 40 years! 

I do have a problem with those who claim to be an apostle or prophet and have only been serving or 'saved' for a few years who do not know their bible, let alone the esoteric messages it contains. 

Many think they have been redeemed, but they reject the Commandments and the Testimony of Christ.  There is a definite situation when an apostle and prophet claim that Christ did away with the Law and the Prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures replacing them with Grace!   It is because of the Law that Grace exists!

There is a problem when the apostles and prophets are not subject to or do not know Divine Law, Divine Order or the Mysteries of G-D! There is something drastically wrong when an apostle and a prophet is wallowing in the babble of the lower flows of apostate Christianity pimping the people, preaching 'safe' topics regurgitating others messages. 

These rudiments keep people as toddlers and  children  sucking on their binkies, looking for their milk and cookies! That when Truth comes they burp it out like air into the wind! 

There is a problem when apostles and prophets work outside their Metron, particularly in the position of the pastorate. The apostle and prophets “have the “Testimony of a Christ”, which is the Spirit of Prophecy walking in their higher self of god Consciousness.

This is how we identify our fellow workers. This is our only 'witness' to having “Overcome” the wilderness and the transformation process. This is the “sign between Me and you that they may know that you are Mine and I AM thine!”

As the Chosen ones affirms, by walking in Christhood, in full command of their spirit, the body or senses yearn for release from the bondage of materialism and the flesh. The Heart is drawn to a place of solitude where the mind is being restored in contemplation of Oneness with the Creator or Divine Union. 

This is how leaders can guide and point others into their Promised Land. You cannot lead one into their Promise Land unless you 'know' the Way! Neither can you lead others out of  bondage unless you have been in the wilderness being prepared and transformed into an “Anointed One--a Christ”.   

You cannot lead one out of bondage if you are in bondage to a religious System and have not come Face to Face with Father/Mother G-D! For those who have a problem with that phrase, Father/Mother, I will rephrase; Father and Divine Spirit--The Shecanah Glory; the female aspect of G-D. 

One then becomes united and stronger in body and Spirit as they ascend to that final state of earthly glory—Divine Union.
Moses also represents new ideas of the mind. These divinely inspired ideas tug at old limitations and material ignorance of flesh and lawlessness. It is these new ideas of lawful Principles that attempts to raise one into a higher consciousness.

Moses represents the Law of the Christ Principles that disciplines our thoughts which prepares us for the advent of god consciousness through Divine Law. I believe this is why Scripture says that the "Two Witnesses" will operate in the anointing of Moses and Elijah. Divine Law is cause and effect. Moses represents Law and Elijah represents effect of the Law.

Bondage  represents obscurity to the Christ mind. Egypt shows us that the Light, Pharaoh; the king, the Ra; the Sun is veiled in our life when dwelling in the lower planes or senses. 

Moses and Pharaoh represent two forces of consciousness. Pharaoh represents the force that rules the body or the senses. As already stated Moses represents new ideas and being brought to a higher consciousness. 

These two forces serve as a balance. This is where the regenerative process begins to take place prior to the wilderness experience. 

In this state is where the regenerative renewal process begin and where the two natures or two states of existence war against the other while one's soul waits to be reunited with their spirit in Spirit and Truth.

The Truths are veiled to those who have not become subjected to the Christ Principles in awareness of their higher self. The veil is removed through the Christ Principles and only as one becomes a Christ can they go beyond the Veil. 

Not everyone will be drawn beyond the veil. Those bidden beyond the veil will have the Mind of a Christ that is the Name of the Creator on their foreheads. These will come Face to Face with G-D and will be illumined and/or transfigured just as Moses was, just as Elijah was, just as Christ was.

Hotep Light One Love!
Apostle Rubie James with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her e-Books and paperback at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or the following links:


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